"Super helpful staff. I only thought I knew about helmets until I came in the store. I was after one helmet and never would have thought I’d spend more. I spent 2x what I planned and it was a perfect fit and quality helmet. Very pleased. And super helpful. "
"Everybody has been great. Even after the sale. We bought 2 new helmets. Wife tried hers. It was too painful to wear. They changed it for the next size up. No question. Mine was also too tight. They removed 3 pads in front. Said to give it a try. They are very knowledgeable in our Daytona Store."
"Knowledgeable! Thankmyou."
"Recently came into store in Daytona Beach. Taylor provided excellent advice. He took time to make sure we were satisfied.
He was courteous , polite and non-judgmental as i am new to cycling "
"Very helpful and knowledgeable staff clean store"
"Already put over 100miles in the helmet I bought a week or so ago dosnt even feel like I’m wearing it "
"Friendly crew as always, sale products and fast service"
"I was there this pasted week I wanna say the service was amazing they were very knowledgeable and very helpful will definitely be going back"
"Sales staff helped me select the right size Aria Regent X helmet and order one to be shipped to them from another store. Super friendly and knowledgeable staff."
"Needed a battery. They had it waiting for me at the counter when I arrived. Very attentive."
"Friendly knowledgeable staff."
"It was great. Clerk was very helpful and patient."
"Great place to shop for motorcycle gear!!"
"The staff answered all questions and recommended best product for my needs."
"Excellent service and very knowledgeable associate.
Extremely helpful also very clean and well organized store. "